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On the Beat with Brian

December 22nd, 2023

One of my favorite insights on exceptional business performance is from Jim Collins, a speaker/consultant focused on business sustainability and growth. He says that "people" are not your most important success factor. "The right people are."

That advice is a mouthful because there’s a LOT that needs to go right in order to find (and nurture!) the “right people.” You need:

  • A great recruitment program with continual outreach
  • Effective networking strategies
  • Impactful two-way partnerships (industry and academia)
  • Strong brand awareness
  • Attractive growth opportunities to promote retention
  • And all the things we do to build a positive company culture!

We recently shared a memo with you containing early details about our refreshed efforts to attract top talent in 2024 and beyond – and the memo included an open invitation to join us in planning the path forward via the new Loureiro Talent Committee.

I wanted to spend some more time here on the topic to reinforce the fact that these efforts are aimed at our current and future team members – because both are essential for constructing a workforce that is well-rounded, adaptable, innovative, and capable of meeting present and future challenges. New team members bring fresh ideas, the latest skills, and up-to-date knowledge from recent education or experiences. Current team members contribute a wealth of industry knowledge, expertise, a deep understanding of our history and culture – and they can help balance innovation with practicality and efficiency.

I fully acknowledge that we have plenty of opportunities to bolster our recruitment and retention efforts at Loureiro – both in how we attract new talent and how we nurture the talent of our existing team. And that’s exactly what makes this path forward so exciting – we have an incredible opportunity to improve, make new connections, and try new things – and I’m confident these shared efforts will have a significant and positive impact on everything we do.

And those efforts, are in fact, shared. While everyone will contribute in different ways, we all play a role in how we attract, engage, and nurture the right people at Loureiro.

Here are some calls to action to consider in the year ahead:

  • Join the Loureiro Talent Committee: I’ll keep this one first, because the more voices we have at the planning table, the more creative and diverse we can be in our recruiting and talent development efforts.
  • Volunteer for Mentoring or Outreach Activities: Your experience and knowledge can make a significant impact on the growth and development of your colleagues – both new and existing. Mentoring also fosters a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. More on specific opportunities to come!
  • Participate in Networking Events: Building meaningful connections outside our immediate circles can bring in fresh perspectives and introductions to potential employees. We’re going to do a better job in 2024 of making sure you know about opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, or seminars beyond Connecticut to expand our network and bring in diverse voices.
  • Promote Our Company Brand: YOU are one of the best ambassadors for Loureiro! Share your positive experiences and the unique aspects of our company culture on professional platforms, social media, or in your personal networks. A strong company brand attracts, and your authentic endorsement is a powerful recruiting tool.
  • Explore Growth Opportunities Within Loureiro: Communicate with your leader(s) about your career aspirations and seek guidance on how you can contribute to and benefit from new growth opportunities and projects we have on the horizon.
  • Further Your Education: Whether through workshops, online courses, seminars, or investing the time and commitment to earn a bachelor’s or advanced degree, there are countless opportunities to expand your knowledge and skill set. Continuous learning is an element of our core values and not only enhances your individual capabilities but also contributes to the overall innovation and adaptability of our team.
  • Provide Feedback on Our Talent Efforts: Even if you aren’t a member of the Talent Committee, we welcome your insights on how to attract the right people to join our team – and build the right skills among our existing team.

To each of you, thank you for sharing your unique talents, your commitment, and everything you do to help us get it right for our customers and each other. We look forward to communicating more about this initiative with you in 2024 – and sharing even more stories about our growing team.

And speaking of “getting it right”…

I hope that each of you gets some time in this holiday season to reflect on what is right in your world and to celebrate that – and, of course, to spend quality time with the people who mean the most to you! 
